Quickly Enanhance Beauty Just by Beam of Light,
without use of chemicals & drugs causing seavier birth defects.

InstaBeauty: Bride & Groom
For Bride & Groom: Laser Therapy with PANMED is safest & fastest way to enhance beauty. Even package of two weeks will substantially uplift the look. Following all needed eleven treatments can be delivered, if needed .

Instant Removal of : Scars Corns, Skin Tags, Moles , Warts etc
Instant removal or reduction without cut, without stitch, is probable by Laser Therapy.

Quick Hair Growth
Laser Crown along with PANMED , can grow your hair and add life to it as well.

Pimples: permanent reduction of acne
Laser Therapy can deliver results within two weeks. We do not use "isotretinoin" because serious side effect is" baby will be borne with abnormalities, like 3 arms or 3 legs etc.

NO Hairs: Permanent Reduction of Unwanted Hairs
We also correct hormones while treating this problem with lasers. You can design bikini line or beard line too.

Tattoo & Birth mark: instant removal
Instant reduction/removal by lasers is possible.

Glow Skin: Remove Pigmentation, Dark Circles
All these can be easily treated with safety & speed by use of lasers, along with PANMED

Wrinkles Free : Instant reduction
Wrinkles Free: Instant reduction: wrinkles can be removed quickly by lasers along with PANMED.

Obesity: Insulin Resistance
Lasers & PANMED are far better on these problems.

Breast Beauty : Sculpting , Enhancement
Sculpting, Enhancement Lasers & PANMED deliver better results on these problems.

White Patches : Vitiligo
Autoimmune Vitiligo (white patches) can be treated well by Lasers & PANMED.

Lips: Regain natural pink , Instant lip enhancement
Regain natural pink, Instant lip enhancement: Regain natural colour of your lips by using Lasers & PANMED.