Avoid Surgeries

Revolutionizing Medical Treatment:
The Surgeries That Can Be Avoided with PANMED

PANMED is an innovative, non-surgical treatment option that delivers positive clinical results for a variety of medical conditions. Here are some surgeries that can be avoided with PANMED. So that we escape risks of anesthia, surgery, hospitalisation & sideeffects out of these events. We preserve devine design of the body. PANMED is Future of Medicine…

heart and blood vessels treatment


PANMED offer a safer, more effective, and viable alternative to surgeries on the heart and blood vessels for conditions like CAD and PAD, including procedures such as angioplasty, stenting, or bypass surgery. PANMED has been shown to produce positive clinical results within two to three weeks of OPD treatment, and results can also be detected on Perfusion Studies within six weeks of treatment.

eastern healers spine treatment


PANMED offers a safer, non-surgical alternative for patients with degenerative cervical and lumbar spine diseases, prolapsed intervertebral discs, sciatica, and even neurological complications. It is an effective and viable option for spine surgeries, and almost all eligible patients can avoid surgical procedures. Positive clinical outcomes can be achieved in as little as 2 to 4 weeks of OPD treatment at PANMED.

eastern healers no amputation


PANMED provides a highly effective, non-surgical, and limb-saving alternative to amputation for patients suffering from non-healing wounds, diabetic foot, and occlusive peripheral arterial disease (PAD). With PANMED, the majority of patients can avoid amputation altogether. Positive clinical outcomes can be achieved in just a few weeks of outpatient treatment, and the results can also be confirmed through imaging studies within 6 to 12 weeks.

eastern healers knew joint treatment


PANMED offers a practical, effective, and safer non-surgical solution for knee joint replacement surgeries in patients with Osteo-Arthritis (OA), as well as for AVN (Avascular Necrosis) of the femur, specifically for hip replacement surgeries. With PANMED, many eligible patients with OA may not require surgery, as positive clinical outcomes can be achieved within eight weeks of OPD treatment in both the cases.

tooth root canal treatment


PANMED offers a fast-acting, practical, and safer non-surgical solution for infected roots of teeth or molars, specifically for root canal treatment. With PANMED, the majority of eligible patients may not require surgery, as positive clinical outcomes can be achieved within just one to two weeks of OPD treatment in the clinic.



PANMED is an effective, viable, safer, NON SURGICAL option for FISTULA (IN ANO) and internal piles. Most of the accepted patients would not need any surgery, as PANMED delivers positive clinical results in OPD clinic in 2 to 4 weeks of OPD treatment for both conditions.

glaucoma treatment


PANMED provides a safer and effective non-surgical alternative for mild to moderate cases of glaucoma. Most selected patients may not require any eye surgery as PANMED can deliver positive clinical outcomes within 1 to 2 weeks of OPD treatment.

prostate treatment


PANMED offers a non-surgical, effective, and safer alternative for the treatment of prostate enlargement (BPH). Patients with BPH may not require surgery as PANMED can deliver positive clinical results in the OPD clinic within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment.

deviated nael eptum


For patients with DNS (deviated nasal septum), PANMED offers an effective, viable, and safer NON SURGICAL option. Most of these accepted patients would not require DNS surgery as PANMED delivers positive clinical results within 2 to 4 weeks of OPD treatment in the clinic.

PANMED is a safer and effective option that delivers positive clinical results within weeks, and it can help many other surgeries to be avoided.